On Sunday 13 November 40 people attended the Inaugural Green Aid Concert in Surbiton. 16 year old  Itamar Rashkovsky accompanied by Luis Pares played a number of pieces for Piano and Violin.  All those attending were astounded at the young musician’s talent.

The concert was also attended by Itamar’s parents, Itzhak Rashkovsky and Ani Schnarch, internationally renowned violinists in their own right

Over £3000 was raised from those attending the concert and from other supporters, for three causes in Israel supported by Green Aid

We hope to post videos of a couple of other pieces from the performance in the near future so watch this space or email us to be notified when they are posted.

We would like to thank all who attended and those who could not, but sent donations, for their tremendous support.

Please contact us if you would like to be invited to future Green Aid events