
  • The advancement of the Jewish religion
  • The relief of poverty amongst people of the Jewish religion
  • The relief and assistance of people of the Jewish faith who are victims of war, terrorism, civil unrest, natural or manmade disaster or catastrophe, in particular but not exclusively, by the supply of medical aid to such persons
  • The relief of sickness or disability amongst people of the Jewish faith, or to relieve the needs of elderly people of that faith
  • The advancement of the education of those of the Jewish faith
  • Any other exclusively charitable purposes as the trustees shall in their discretion think fit


Colin Green, Chairman
A solicitor, formerly General Counsel, Company Secretary and Commercial Director of BT Group Plc. Previously non-executive Director of ECI Telecom Ltd and Radware Ltd, both Nasdaq quoted companies. Currently Chairman Hermes Group Pension Scheme, Trustee of Nightingale House, the UK’s largest care home for the elderly, and voluntary Adviser to Kingston Citizen’s Advice Bureau.

Hazel Green, Trustee
A Solicitor who established the firm of Green and Green. Publicity Officer for Kingston Synagogue. Founder of ME Truth Group. Founder Member of Kingston Israel Forum.

Carole Lateman, Trustee
Account Manager in the Advertising Industry, Founder of Swamp Rock, member of Alonim Dance Troupe, and L’il Queenie DJ.


Haydn Hughes, The HHC Partnership Ltd

Janice Cowan, Pearl & Co.